More specifically, hanging up on the stud on the left side of the ruler that marks the typing line. The stud is actually a rivet that allows the left hand card holder to pivot down and out of the way.
This seems to be for me a chronic problem. It only happens 1) on the Red setting and 2) when the ribbon is moving from the left spool to the right (so there is some slack in the ribbon as it moves toward the type guide).
This has happened most recently for me with a Model P, but it's cropped up with other portables. Any surefire fixes that the group might have? I realize it may simply be trial and error by forming the ribbon guide, but maybe there is another way. (I know, if I just leave the machine on the Blue setting that will address it, but still....)
I’ve run into the identical issue. It’s annoying. I’ve considered making a small metal cover that fits over the left card holder and over the rivet to smooth out the angles. I’ll let you know if I figure anything out. I had also considered removing it and replacing it with a screw, or a flatter rivet.
Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one! Will be interested in how you make out. I love the Royal portables, but this is a real design flaw, it seems.
Yeah, the Royal Portable is by far my favorite machine, but there are thing I would change. The paper bails are centered directly on top of the platen, and sometimes paper gets jamed straight back into the paper table and crumples up. I would also love a carriage lock....but you can’t have everything in life