Hi all,
I recently found myself in possession of a Remington Rand Noiseless No. 10 that was in very very poor shape. I have gotten it almost completely fixed except the spacebar. The spacebar will do one space or a single advance and then the carriage will no longer advance unless I hit backspace which then cause the carriage to advance once more, this happens any time the space bar is hit. I figure it has to do something with the escapement, but I am unsure how the spacebar interacts. The tab key seems to do its job just fine. I've been looking at it for a week but don't know what I am looking for to be wrong at this point. Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Sounds like the rocker plate might be getting hung up. Make sure it’s free to move, them check all the space bar linkages and make sure those aren’t catching anything. The space bar should pull on a series of leavers that trips the rocker plate.