Hi all,
I'm trying to search out the method for removing the carriage from my 1947 Royal Quiet Deluxe. I have some repair manuals but they all seem to show a different Royal model when it comes to carriage removal and replacement. I want to make sure I'm not missing something simple in its removal but want to swap the carriage out for a replacement one that is in much better shape. If any one can lay out the steps or point me in the direction of a manual for the QDL that would cover this, it would be fantastic!
The instructions should be in the Ames Typewriter Mechanical Training Manual, 1945, vol. 2, for portables, for Royal, found at the bottom of the page of manuals on the Classic Typewriter page here.
I would not classify this as a beginner repair, so if you are unfamiliar with typewriters, please consider the risk vs reward before attempting. Also, if you are swapping carriages--assuming you have two of the same model--they must be the same type pitch.
Thanks! That's exactly what I needed. Yes, I have an identical carriage and while I haven't done this exact job on a typewriter, I have spent years working with small mechanicals, which is what drew me to typewriters in the beginning.
Looks like I will need to fashion a ball pinion loader as I don't think I'll be finding an Ames model any time soon.
Turn the machine front to rear. Disengage the tape that pulls the carriage. Move Carriage all the way to the right. Remove the clamps that keep the carriage very close to the bottom rail. Carefully lift the carriage taking care to work the carriage rack over the lever that keeps the rack from skipping. Let me know if you need help re-assembling.
tjcnok, the technique you describe doesn't work on this QDL. The carriage doesn't use clamps; you have to take off the tab bar, take out the center stop and then roll the carriage off the end of the rack. That lets loose the pinions and bearings which is the worst part of re-assembly (make sure you know they're coming as they roll away fast!). Once I had the right instructions, it was easy to see the steps.
I'm all done with it already. You have to be very patient getting the bearing/pinion bits back in place. I improvised the aforementioned tool with some brass tubing cut down to make a cradle for the ball with the pinion ring on it and used it to slide the bits back into place. It still takes a steady hand and patience as it's tough to get on the first try. With an original tool made to the exact specifications, it would be a breeze. Alas, my homemade version was less than precise and it took some very slow and meticulous positioning to get everything lined up for the rack to go over.
Like SouceKFan said, definitely a risk/reward procedure and only to be attempted if you're used to working with small parts and are ready to repeat the same task a few times to get everything just right. In my case, I'm happy with it!