Hallo! Ich hatte gehofft, ich könnte einen Gefallen von einem der deutschen Sprecher des Forums erbitten. Wenn es keine Probleme gibt, lassen Sie mich bitte wissen, ob Google Translate eine akzeptable Übersetzung für Folgendes liefert:
"Hallo, ich frage mich, ob Sie in die Vereinigten Staaten versenden möchten. Wenn ja, würden Sie bitte eine Schätzung für die Versandkosten geben? Vielen Dank!"
Kann ich auf Englisch weitermachen?
I'm quite embarrassed that I have to do this, as most of the Germans I have met speak English very well, and I uh...have actually taken more than one course in German, so I should be much more fluent in it than I am. I want to make sure that my request is polite and also doesn't sound like Google Translate. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Danke Schön!
The wording is mostly fine, which surprises me. Just a little adjustment:
Hallo <insert name here>, verschicken Sie auch in die Vereinigten Staaten? Wenn ja, können Sie die Versandkosten schätzen?
As for the shipping costs, I can give you the estimation already. Shipping a 20 kg package with 45 x 45 x 45 cm dimensions with the standard German package company (DHL), which most Germans are going to use, shipping to the USA costs 76,99 €. You can use the following website to calculate the shipping costs from Germany to the USA: (German only I fear).
Ah, and "Vielen Dank" at the end is always a good idea :-)
sirius wrote:
The wording is mostly fine, which surprises me. Just a little adjustment:
Hallo <insert name here>, verschicken Sie auch in die Vereinigten Staaten? Wenn ja, können Sie die Versandkosten schätzen?
As for the shipping costs, I can give you the estimation already. Shipping a 20 kg package with 45 x 45 x 45 cm dimensions with the standard German package company (DHL), which most Germans are going to use, shipping to the USA costs 76,99 €. You can use the following website to calculate the shipping costs from Germany to the USA: (German only I fear).
Thank you for the assistance! I've found that German Ebay often has much better prices on (obviously, I suppose) some of the excellent German typewriters I've been looking for.