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06-2-2018 14:26:16  #1

Smith-Corona Skyriter

Hi guys:

​So I just bought a Rmeington Quiet-Riter typewriter but now I have my eyes on another sweet machine, an Smith corona skyriter. It's on a very good condition, I'l upload photos, and it costs over 70 euros, which is like 80 dollars I think. Shipping including.
​What are your thoughts on this machine? Thanks in advance. 


06-2-2018 14:29:58  #2

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter

Sorry I tried to post a picture and now I don't know how to edit the message

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06-2-2018 14:37:54  #3

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter

You can't edit messages here -- a minor drawback.

I have no firsthand experience with the Skyriter, but based on what I have read on this forum and elsewhere, this is one of the very best of the compact portable machines. I'd love to have one. Now, maybe an actual owner can give his/her thoughts!


07-2-2018 15:33:14  #4

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter

A picture might be worth posting in this case to determine which generation of Skyriter is being discussed. I think the 2Y-, 3Y-, and 4Y- iterations of the Skyriter are more desirable, both to look at and use, than the 5Y-(?) and 6Y- models were.

​Posting photos and editing are discussed in this thread: Typewriter Talk FAQ - PLEASE READ THIS FIRST!

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

12-2-2018 08:04:17  #5

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter'm sorry but I'm not able to post photos. However, on this URL, you'll be able to check them. Thnaks for all! 

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12-2-2018 11:58:35  #6

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter

Hi Ikerbuda

​With the metal cover and the short line advance lever, I'd say this is most likely a 2Y- series machine, built from 1949 to 1958. The short line advance/carriage return lever takes a little getting used to, as in sometimes the carriage will return before the line advances, but when properly cleaned and tuned correctly, these are great little travel typers. I use a 4Y- series on my lap when I'm taking the minutes at our local club meetings. These machines do not have a bi-chrome selector, so having a two coloured ribbon is not much use, unless you want to turn the ribbon over and type in red once the black half is used up.

The ad indicates you are likely in Spain and I have no idea what the going price is for any portable or travel typewriter is over there. If it's like England, Canada and the USA, asking prices have gone up in the past year or so, and buyers seem to be paying these prices too. Maybe someone closer to where you are may be able to guide you better on this subject. All the best,


We humans go through many computers in our lives, but in their lives, typewriters go through many of us.
In that way, they’re like violins, like ancestral swords. So I use mine with honor and treat them with respect.
I try to leave them in better condition than I met them. I am not their first user, nor will I be their last.
Frederic S. Durbin. (Typewriter mania and the modern writer)

13-2-2018 06:22:30  #7

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter

So, do you actually recommend me buying it? The ribbon selector won't be a problema as I don't use red very much. Will it need a lot of work?

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18-2-2018 15:47:08  #8

Re: Smith-Corona Skyriter

As usual, my comments are based on design. I have the Skywriter and the Corsair for comparison of US brands with the shift in time and competition in the 60s from Europe and Japan. Both models are interesting examples: the Skywriter, made in the US and in metal, and the more competitive and later model the Corsair. This design for lower factory cost was a co-op US/UK under SCM and made from plastic in the UK.

I think you might find both models interesting if you are into the aesthetics of mid-century design.



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