I have a pristine Royal FP that has what I hope is a minor adjustment issue. When I type, the Tab key vibrates somewhat as the carriage moves. When I move the carriage to either side manually the tab key bounces. When this happens you can hear something grinding or hitting. I've done a cursory check but can't see anything. The typewriter types fine with no issue of "piling" or "skipping". I'm guessing a carriage adjustment issue or a spring tension issue on the tab key? Any help is much appreciated. On another note, does anyone know of a repair manual for these or an adjustment manual? I can't find anything and would like to have these if they exist as this is my 3rd FP.
You didn't mention whether the Tab actually works or not -- that is, can you set and clear a tab, and does the carriage move freely to the tab positions you set? I realize Tab Set and Tab Clear are two separate buttons from the Tab key, but I'm wondering whether the tabulator mechanism is somehow dragging against the carriage -- may need cleaning and exercising to ensure it does not touch the carriage.
Hi Fleetwing,
The Tab Set and Tab Clear buttons and Tab key all work as they should. As I type and the carriage moves, the Tab key vibrates just a little. When I return the carriage it really bounces and you can hear something making contact. I think I read somewhere of the Olympia SG1s having a similar problem and it was fixed with a carriage adjustment. I sure would like to find out if they have a service manual or adjustment manual for the FP. Thanks for your help.
Go here
and scroll down to Service Manuals, and open the Ames 1968 Standard Typewriters training manual. I realize the FP predates 1968 by ten years, but the mechanisms of the later machines are probably pretty similar. Hope this helps.Offline