I have begun to amass a small collection of typewriters, of which the latest addition is this Olympia Splendid 66. Everything seems perfect except that when I try to type with it, the keys stop about 1mm away from the platen. The space bar is still triggered by typing and everything else works perfectly. My conclusion is that something, most likely the platen, has moved in some way.
I have fiddled around for quite some time trying to solve the problem, but I've reached a point where I don't want to cause more harm than good, so I'm putting it to you!
I've taken some pictures but this is my first post here and I can't see how to upload them (techno-phobia lead me to typewriters in the first place!).
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate any attempt to help me out of this pickle.
Even if the platen shifted, the key should still strike. With the platen out of the machine, the key can travel up to 1/4 in. more.
When you type, are you getting letters on your page? the key hitting the ribbon at all? 1mm is quite a small difference.
Go to and upload an image from your computer, or phone. It gives you a direct link that you can paste here.
Check to see if any part of the type bar is not hitting the typebar segment in the wrong place or prematurely for some reason. The typebar often has a notch that sticks out (where it bends) and hits the segment at the same time the letter hits the platen. I had a comma once that at times didn't make contact on the platen consistently, resulting in sometimes dark sometimes light print (no, it wasn't my inconsistent finger pressure). I filed the notch on the typebar just a little and it did the trick.
Thanks for getting back to me about this problem. I think I have been able to upload an image of one of the keys fully extended (I've taken out the ribbon so that I could see what was going on more clearly). All of the keys reach about the same point.
Sorry for taking ages to get back to you, I'm a student and there was a mass of essay deadlines!
I would say that the line-lock (prevents you from typing further once the right hand margin has been reached) is stuck in the 'on' position.
an interesting hypothesis! How would I go about remedying the problem if this is the case? I'm still relatively new to this game ... I can send more pictures if that would help at all.
I would also like to reiterate that everything else works perfectly, the platen moves every time a key is pressed, and none of the keys stick, it is simply that they fall short by a few millimetres.
In my case it was only the comma that was inconsistently printing, sometimes it's there sometimes it's not. Filing down that little tab that was contacting the segment did the trick. All the other letters were fine. You might also check your ribbon, the way it's inserted and the tension. Sometimes that could prevent good contact with the paper.