I bought an Underwood typewriter for my daughter at Christmas and can't get it to work - I suspect it might be quite a simple problem as it seems to me that the letters aren't quite hitting the ribbon. Does anyone know of someone in or near Edinburgh who could have a look at it for me? I'm happy to pay whatever is considered the going rate. Many thanks for your help.
If you are in Edinburgh, Scotland you might have a problem finding someone competent. I repair typewriters professionally and customers from Scotland have to ship their machines to me here in Luton because there seems to be no-one in their neck of the woods. Is the machine a portable ? If it is, it would be possible to post it to me, properly packed of course.
Thanks Typewriter Man. It's portable in the sense that it can be moved but it weighs a tonne! I dread to think how much it would cost to post!
If it is a true portable, it will come in a small carry case. If it is an office machine, you certainly won't be able to post it. It will get smashed to pieces since its own weight will work against it. Are you able to put up a photograph of the machine here ? Once we can all see what you have, perhaps you will get some helpful DIY suggestions as to what to try.
Hi (again), thanks. You can tell this isn't a subject I'm really up to speed on. Based on what you've said, it isn't portable. At risk of testing your patience further.... I can't see how to add an image that isn't online. Is it easier for me to send it to you directly. Thanks again. S
That's a shame - and as I am a typewriter man, not a computer man, I can't advise the best way of posting an image here. Until someone else chimes in with some practical help, you can e-mail me an image. If you Google my website ' The Typewriter Man' you will find my contact details.
Brilliant. Will do.
Try going here:
One quick question that may narrow it down: When you press the Shift key, does the carriage move up? That would indicate one of the earlier machines, pre-1949 or thereabouts. If the "basket" inside the machine moves down when you press the Shift key, that's one of the newer models.
Also, you should be able to find the serial number just under the carriage on the right side of the typewriter.
Hope this helps!
Just an update : The chap e-mailed me direct with a picture and he has an Underwood 6. It seems that the ribbon vibrator isn't lifting - no matter which setting the ribbon colour control is on. I did check and was assured that it is not on 'stencil'. Apparently the machine was working fine until the ribbon was changed. I was wondering if a linkage has been disturbed. Has anyone on here got any ideas other than remove the carriage and trace the mechanism through ? He isn't a collector, just someone who bought a nice looking machine as a present for his daughter.
I am not the guy to ask -- I have four Underwoods (two 4s and two 5s) awaiting my attention and I'm building up the courage to work on them. I guess the good news is that there should be a lot of information out on the internet on these machines, since there are so many of them still around.
I would have to agree that removing the carriage is step one, and I understand that's supposedly not so hard to do. (Not sure about putting it back on, though....) Anyway, my heart goes out to him, since he's bitten off a lot more than he can chew, or rather wants to chew.
Too bad he's so far away, since I'm sure you could get this machine working perfectly.