Hello typewriter friends!
I've bought a old beautiful Corona 4 but one spool is missing and I can't find any other that is working on the typewriter... Is there anyone who knows what type of metal spool works on a Corona 4 or must it be a original Corona 4 spool?
Greetings from the typewriter nerd
Hi Kriloo. I've also got a Corona 4 with spools missing. I'm able to use it with modern plastic spools but they need packing out with masking tape on the spindles so that they turn but the spool covers cannot be fitted as they are too wide. I am seeking spools but also looking at printing my own on a 3D printer.
Unfortunately the spools for the Corona Four do not fit anything else. New ones are very hard to come by. As a lot of people on the forum know, I repair typewriters for a living. In the past, I have actually had to make new Corona Four spools for customers. A bit time-consuming, but quite possible !