If you needed to repair the decals on an antique typewriter.. Say, a very old, very detailed decal needing multiple colors and shades, and of which no replacement decals were commercially available, what might be an appropriate paint to use?
Hi Seijun
If you are used to model kit building and accustomed to painting the extra fine details like the instrument panels on 1/32 scale cars, I would be inclined to use model paints like Humbrol, Testors or Airfix enamel paints (not the new acrylic model paints) and some really fine 0, 00, and 000 brushes.
There is also a fellow (I assume) in the Peru of all places who reproduces antique waterslide decals (transfers) for gramophones and typewriters. Take a look at eBay item # 271041916849 and see if he has anything close to what you're looking for. If he doesn't, I'd suggest contacting him and sending a picture of your decal to see if he has any suggestions. Hope this points you in the right direction,
There is this guy. His decals are amazing. Sometimes he has decals that are not listed on his site.