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14-8-2018 21:55:39  #1

Seletric vs Wheelwriter

I have the chance to buy either a restored IBM Selectric III or a Wheelwriter 2. What's the best choice? I learned on a Selectic and I've tried the Wheelwriters when they were new years ago. It seemed to me the Wheelwriter had somewhat less sure key action, especially with the space bar. It seemed it would hit extra spaces when I only needed one! Maybe that was me needing to get used to it. It would be used for writing occasional letters and fiction drafts. Any thoughts welcome.


15-8-2018 03:37:07  #2

Re: Seletric vs Wheelwriter

The Wheelwriter is a really nice electronic typewriter, probably the best.  But new spare parts are no longer available and if a circuit board goes down - thats it - end of typewriter !  Ther IBM Selectric III is a mechanical typewriter, so there is more scope for repair if it goes wrong.  The III is less reliable than its predecessor the II, and the special 96-character heads aren't as common.  Many come set up for a 'bicycle' shaped ribbon cartridge which is also getting hard to find.  So are spare parts unless you live in the USA.


16-8-2018 04:20:52  #3

Re: Seletric vs Wheelwriter

Thanks for the feedback.

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