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Hi guys!
Reaching out for a bit of advice for the first time.
After thorough examining, cleaning and polishing of my Olivetti Valentine I've been able to snatch with a rare local, Slovak keyboard, I noticed that all letters, both shifted and unshifted, have great imprints, with the exception of some of the punctuation marks (specific for the Slovak keyboard) - the acute and the caron.
The issue is that they are both shifted, and thus located so high on the type slug that when on the black setting, the topmost portion of the slug protrudes above the upper edge of the ribbon, effectively landing half of the mark off the ribbon.
The red setting is fine for these marks, but only so-so. I noticed that the ribbon is relatively low-sitting with respect to the slug position, i.e. the letters don't hit the exact center of the ribbon half, but hit a bit higher. To get a better idea, see the pictures:
Now, the alignment of uppercase and lowercase letters is spot on, and the ribbon vibrator seems to be working great with no bends, twists or other deformities in the whole system.
The question is: what do I adjust? Should I try to bend the vibrator "stops" to let it travel higher, or should I adjust both the uppercase and lowercase basket position so it sits lower? (From what I saw, this should be relatively straightforward, as there is one screw for each adjustment on one side of the basked or the other).
Or is there anything else that might be wrong that I am missing? Anyone have a similar issue?
Thanks a lot for helping out!
If you know how to, I would try adjusting the ribbon lift stops first. However, before you do that, check that the ribbon isn't being over-tensioned, thus holding it down a little when it lifts.
I already did that – loosened the ribbon from the spools and tried to manipulate the vibrator by hand to make sure nothing's preventing it from rising higher. The operation is exactly as designed and the vibrator rises and its back end lowers itself until it hits a metal stop. The problem is that the stop is not very accessible, and that it doesn't seem to be designed for any adjustment. Moreover, I'm not sure that the linkage that draws the vibrator back end downwards will draw it any further even when I bend the metal stops that limit the movement.
My guess is that the typewriter is manufactured primarily for other markets, where this is not an issue, since other symbols are not situated as high on the slugs as these (they need to be positioned above uppercase letters as well).
Update: I've been able to make it print correctly by manually unthreading the ribbon and making it a lot looser than normal – in such case, the ribbon bends towards the platen under the pressure of the type slug between the vibrator prongs and prints correctly. However, I don't think that's how it should work. Is there any way to influence ribbon tension anyway?
The ribbon tension is controlled by two spring wire arcs which bear on the spool carriers. As a first stage, you could try carefully unhooking these and removing them to see if it makes any difference. If it doesn't help, you can always put them back again with no harm done.
I unhooked the spring wire on the loose spool and it did help somewhat, but the characters still hit pretty high on the ribbon. Actually, all of them hit pretty high in both of the vibrator positions.
I ended up bending the vibrator stops with a pair of pliers to adjust both of the positions so that the letters are more centered. Now there is a little space above the acute/caron symbols, as well as below the "y" and other low-reaching symbols.
Thanks for pointing me to the direction of adjusting the vibrator first - it was a lot easier than I thought, I didn't even need to adjust the linkage that pulls the back end down.
All is settled with this machine, it seems! Thanks again
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