I was finally able to find a good 1940's Royal Quiet De Luxe for a reasonable price here in Brazil. The machine is in pretty good condition, the only problem was on its draw band, that was broken.
When I got the machine, however, I noticed that the paper bail rollers are in bad condition. They are cracked and have some flat spots. There are a few links that explain how to replace them. The problem is that I don't know how to remove the rollers from this model. Any clues?
Another problem that I have is on the platen, which is ok, but has one or two small cracks on its edges. I thought maybe I could try to recover it using a DIY method, since I can't count with professional restoration, like the one from JJ Short. Is it worth trying to recover by oneself? Are there alternative methods for the platen?
If I understand you correctly, you would like to remove the paper bail rollers from the bail rod which rests over the platen. It's really straightforward; the rod has four screws, one on each end on the side, and two in the front, one on each end. just remove the screws on one end so that the rod is loose, and you can slide the rollers off the rod. Be careful of the flat springs inside both rollers, they are small and can get away from you. After they are off, you can replace the rubber.
I'm not sure about the platen; Quiet Deluxe models have two rubber sleeves, so it is more difficult to cover (and more expensive). You can find instructions on how to remove the platen on the Typewriter Database ( ) in the Service Manual under Portable Typewriters. I have a 1947 model and am in the process of getting the platen recovered professionally because mine had a separated cover and a cracked core.
Good luck!
Thank you for your answer!
Yes, you understood me correctly: I need to remove the rollers off of the bail, so I can recover its rubber.
However, I'm afraid things aren't so straightforward as you described. My model isn't screwed as you described. The bail doesn't have 4 screws. In fact, it has only 2 screws on the left side, one right next to each other. I removed them, but nothing happened.
Yikes! Just my luck; you happen to be the owner of an early model, which has the long sleeve on the left side with two screws in the top. Sorry; mine has the one I described, which changed sometime around 1946. Anyway, you may have to loosen the paper bail arm with the sleeve so the bail rod will slide out. There are not any other attachments, so unless the sleeve is rusted on the inside, it should come off. If not, you could try some penetrating oil. Then, tap LIGHTLY and check for free play and movement. Hope that works for you; you have a great machine there.
Ah, I see. I was afraid of trying to slide the rod away after removing the screws, since it does feel a little stuck. I'll try your suggestion later on today.
Yes, I'm really happy that I got this machine. It's from 1941, as I checked. It has that old brown/beige case and its shift keys are round, not squared. It doesn't have the model name tag anymore, so I was not sure if it was a Quiet Deluxe or an Aristocrat. But the s/n starts with A, so it's definitely a Quiet Deluxe. In spite of the natural wear on its rubber parts, the machine looks really good. It's a rare finding. Here in Brazil, people charge a lot for Royals that look terrible. I bought this one from a sweet senior man that made me promise I was gonna take good care of the machine haha.
Thank you for the tip. I'll come back later to share the results.
It worked!
I already removed the rollers and changed the rubber from it. Now everything works fine.
Thanks a lot for the help!
Glad it all worked out for you; now you get to actually type--my Quiet DeLuxe is waiting for a platen. Should be here sometime next week.