Square brackets too? Very cool. Where did you find a NOS 1740?
eBay,. Evidently they were stored in original boxes in an attic for all this time. There are 10-15 more like this one. I just received an emailed request to buy them all. Not sure I want to do that, but if there's lots of interest, perhaps?
Can't seem to find the auction listing. I'm always interested in these sorts of things - if the price is right...
Darn, I don't think I've got one typewriter with that key... it looks like it would be very useful in my artwork, I love a good dot-matrix... right, I've got something new to look out for!
Here's an Olympia Traveller De Luxe (with hellenic keyboard) that has this mysterious dot key on the upper left. By the way, I think that the cheque argument is strong... [img] (1).jpg[/img]
That key is actually the Margin Release/Typebar Unjamming key ! It was a strange Olympia convention to use four dots for this fuction. On later production, the dots were dropped in favour of two vertical lines with mirror-image arrow-heads pointing left and right. I think that by then, Olympia had almost 'forgotten' the key's second function !
Frankly, it crossed my mind but...
dimitrio96 wrote:
Here's an Olympia Traveller De Luxe (with hellenic keyboard).....................
Nice machine. Would love to see the typeface printed out in upper and lower case; maybe you could add it to the typeface database thread one day? I don't have a Greek keyboard machine yet, but am always looking out for one.
Oh, I don't own this machine, it's just a picture! I just got my first typewriter with hellenic typeface so I will post a typing test in the thread you mentioned, as soon as I can find a scanner!
To add to what Michael was saying, this is an excerpt from the manual to Sears Medalist 12:
[img] *0kppHwpnaRF_tXYxSEo2yg.png[/img]