Hi, I am completely new to typewriters and I am just getting one for my birthday. I am trying to decide between two, both of which appear to be in excellent condition,. I’m not in a position to view either so I’m having to make a decision on images and what the seller is saying. So I thought I’d ask for some advice.
1. A 1979 Imperial Good Companion 203, white, seller says almost mint so hasn’t cleaned or serviced it.
2. A Silver Reed S180 de luxe which has been fully serviced.
The Silver Reed is slightly more expensive but still within my price range. Is it better value?
Which would you go for and why?
I don’t expect to be writing a novel but just want something to ‘play’ with (if that isn’t heresy on this forum!). I do a lot of art journaling and would like to use it in that.
Many thanks and I await your thoughts in excited anticipation!
Since they are near identical Japanese machines made during the same time period, I would make my decision based on features and aesthetics. Either will work well for your needs.
Always take claims of "fully serviced" with a grain of salt; most who make such statements have just wiped the machine down and blasted the insides with WD-40 (something you should NEVER do).
Are these machines local to you? If so, can you check them out in person first? What are the asking prices for them? Are there other options in your area?
There's nothing wrong with wanting a typewriter to play with. Most typewriter enthusiasts and collectors started off by buying a machine on a lark.
Many thanks that’s really helpful.
I’ve gone for the Imperial but it’s a birthday present so I have to wait till mid December to play with it - can’t wait! Thanks for your adice.
We expect a full report (impression) with pictures once you get it!