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Hi, I am new to this forum
So I have 2 Lettera 32's
One in better condition but with a snapped off carriage return lever.
I want to replace this with the lever from the other one.
So I could:
1) swap the lever part itself, which seems hard. No easy way to get it off. It seems welded to the side plate.
Maybe I could disassemble the carriage and swap the side plate and the lever part as one.
2) Swap the entire carriage.
Does anyone know how to remove the carriage on a Letter 32?
Thanks, Michael.
Here are the images with the correct size
Unfortunately, I cannot see your images. However, I can tell you that swapping carriages on these machines is a really trying job - especially if the machine that you are working on has a tabulator. Trust me, it would be easier for you to simply find a Lerttera 32 in better condition !
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