Anyone have a suggestion for how to straighten out some of the keys on this Underwood No. 5? It's in very good condition otherwise.
This is easiest if you have key tools to do this sort of thing. Otherwise, you could try using a flathead screw driver to rotate the key legends in place. See Richard Polt's blog post about how to use key ring tools.
Or you could remove the key rings with the flathead screwdriver, adjust the legends, and then replace them. Should you choose to do this, BE CAREFUL. The tabs on the key rings are fragile and like to break.
Thanks, I will give it a go with a screwdriver. I actually have another Underwood that is way beyond repair, so I will practice on that first to get the hang of it. I will post a slightly smaller photo if I have any success.
Take a look and see if yours even has tabs on the key rings. Mine doesn't, except for the shift keys, but as someone else pointed out, they were probably replaced during the working life of the machine. The rings themselves are pretty fragile and liable to damage.
Of course, I don't have a key removal tool, and no access to one: however, I did a little experimenting last night, because my legends and surfaces need to be completely replaced. Which is to say, held the bottom shaft of the key firm with a pair of needlenose pliers, and set a VERY small pair of channel-locks at about the right diameter for the key ring and pulled straight up as carefully as possible. It did flatten the ring to an oval slightly as it popped off. However, I could easily squeeze it back into shape--they are quite malleable--and it was easy to clip back on with the pliers.
If I were going to do more of them, without a proper tool, I would probably use a small block of wood underneath to support each key while bracing/pulling up. There is someone who claims to have manufactured a different kind of removal tool here: His video is not very good, and I have no idea if his tool is worth your $10-20. However, it may be an option.
That tool is designed for keychopping. It is definitely not an option. It is for people to break off the keys to make crappy steampunk jewelry.
SoucekFan wrote:
That tool is designed for keychopping. It is definitely not an option. It is for people to break off the keys to make crappy steampunk jewelry.
Errrk. Good to know, thanks.
Also, looking back at the link, I realize I didn't read the "instructions" clearly, or I would have seen that. Oops. Sorry, y'all.