I recently got a 1919 Royal 10 in not terrible shape -- not too rusty, and the rubber isn't in bad shape. It was refurbished at some point, since one of the shift keys has the Regal logo (indication of a rebuilt Royal). Cleaning and some oiling has gotten it moving pretty well -- it no longer stays in the shifted position -- but I can't seem to get the carriage to return all the way to bottom (lower case) position when I release the shift key. I've tried cleaning and oiling the pivot points for the shift mechanism, the ones I can see anyway, but it still won't seat all the way down. Any suggestions?
I see attached to the left side shift keys a curved piece with toothed adjustments for the spring that apparently controls the resistance for the shift keys. I am wondering whether moving the spring to another resistance setting might help, though it seems like gravity alone is what returns the carriage to lower case position.
Also, the stationary margin release mechanism seems to barely make contact with the margin stops, such that the carriage will glide past the stops, especially the left hand stop. I don't see a way to adjust the stationary mechanism so that it makes more solid contact with the stops. I've tried cleaning the margin release linkage to see if that will give more movement to the release mechanism, but nothing so far.
Thanks for any pointers. The Ames repair manuals deal with segment shift Royals, so they aren't really too helpful for the 10.
Update -- turns out the two springs (one on either side of the carriage) that raise the carriage when shifting were for some reason set to highest tension, which prevented the carriage from returning to lower case position. There are three tension positions on each side of the frame -- hooks that the spring ends hook over -- just inside the glass side plates, so they're visible, though quarters are cramped. I managed to unhook the springs with a dental pick and reattached the spring ends on the lowest tension setting. Problem solved. (I wonder why the springs were placed on the high setting to begin with?)
Also, the carriage is held in the lower case position by means of a hook on the left side of the machine, directly under the carriage, which engages a flange on the carriage's underside. The shift keys pull back on the hook and allows the springs to raise the carriage up. The hook on this machine was not engaging; using the motion adjustment nuts on the sides of the carriage (5/16") I was able to lower the carriage enough for the hook to engage.
The margin stop/release mechanism seems to be responding to exercise and oiling. Hopefully it'll continue to improve.
Printing is so-so -- not even, top to bottom. the aforementioned motion nuts help some, but I expect having a hard platen and a dryish ribbon magnify the problem. A backing sheet or two may help. But the shift mechanism was the big deal, and I'm glad to have figured it out.