My 1967 (?) teal Olivetti Studio 45 has an issue with the mainspring. I twisted it too far and it got dislodged from the center. I was able to fix that and reset the mainspring, however, now it won’t hold any tension. It will wind about a quarter turn, then click and lose tension. I scoured the internet for hours, didn’t sleep all night, and even bought a $7 repair guide for the Studio 44. Unfortunately, this has not yielded a result. I can attach a video if necessary.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Dear Gabe,
Difficult to know precisely without examining your machine, but it sounds as if either the mainspring has come loose from its casing or it has broken. When mainsprings break, they usually do so near one end so there is hope yet. The end can be heated tio soften it and a new fixing hole drilled.
thetypewriterman wrote:
it sounds as if either the mainspring has come loose from its casing or it has broken.
While, of course, I am not an expert, I don’t think it’s broken. the whole spring even came out and was in one piece. I also reassembled the case for the mainspring according to the assembly section of the repair guide I bought. I just hope I didn’t do some sort of unfixable damage by opening up the casing! Thank you for your ideas!