Just a quick idea for all the little tools you need all the time - a magnetic knife rack. I have one screwed over my work desk - keeps things to hand.
Sorry to shoot you down in flames, but probably not the best idea if you are working on typewriters. The tools will gradually become magnetised themselves - which is fine for screwdrivers if you want to pick up small screws - but a real pain when you are trying to place small components with the pliers or tweezers. You will just get the part nicely placed and it will stick to the tool again as you withdraw it !
Yes you are absolutely correct - but I have the habit of wiping the pliers across the strip occasionally, and making sure that the direction changes - this seems to nulliffy the effect on tools, I guess by changing the polarity in a cancelling manner. But good point, all the same.
Thought I'd tag onto this topic since search didn't come up with much.
Considering machinists -vs- gunsmith screwdrivers.
Looking at a set here:
On one with a 44 bits. A reviewer gave 4 out of 5 stars because, "One problem with this set is that you must spring for the thin bit set also. just do it."
No idea what he's talking about because not a gunsmith!
They have 800 # but guessing rep on phone wouldn't be able to help since for typewriters.
Just how small do some of these little beasties need to be?
Suggestions / advice appreciated.
Well, if anyone's interested... Finally found what I was looking for by searching 'scientific inst. repair.' Picked these up at a fraction of the cost & they're better made to boot!
Zoom out & here are some of my other toys for typewriters
Some of these sets are really good value, and I have a couple, but the more I work on machines, the more I want individual drivers - I get very fed up changing the bits around. So now I'm collecting specific single screwdrivers - so much easier to work with, IMO.
Sage advice. And from your join date, am guessing that's experience speaking.
Quickly discovering what most everyone here probably already knows. Some of those screws down in the 'guts' of a machine very difficult to reach.
Problem is I couldn't find a normal set with small enough tips! Sets on Amazon were panned as junk. The better ones I was able to find were all metric.
Maybe look out for a flexible extention drive - these can reach down into the guts because they are normally quite thin.
BrianE wrote:
The better ones I was able to find were all metric.
Which you would need when working on a European-made machine.
Uwe wrote:
BrianE wrote:
The better ones I was able to find were all metric.
Which you would need when working on a European-made machine.
What metric sizes (in thickness) most common for typewriters?
The screwdrivers I'm looking at are pretty reasonable: $4.06 - $6.60 if you by them seperately. Sets offer bewildering number of blade widths & shaft lengths. Am guessing just a couple of them all I need to remove 'skin' & clean, etc.