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Has anyone come across this before? This is a unique looking typewriter and types extremely well. Unfortunately, Remington decided to go all plastic on the case. It has a harmonic rattle with each key strike and it's driving me nuts. I can't seem to find the culprit. Any suggestions? HELP!
Just to be clear, when you say "case" I'm assuming you mean the outer shell of the machine. Does the top of the shell come off (like for access to the ribbons and typebars)? If so, does the machine still rattle when that's been removed? If so, then you've found the culprit, and maybe some sort of cushioning is needed between the top of the shell (aka the ribbon cover) and the bottom part of the shell. It might be helpful if you can post a couple of pictures of your typewriter so we can see what it looks like and propose possible areas to check.
Hello, rattle remains with plastic ribbon cover off. Yes, entire body is plastic. Not sure how to attach a pic.
Here is a picture I found online. See link below. This picture is an EXACT copy of the machine I own. Even the color.
Hope this helps and thank you.
Hmm, well, try typing to ascertain where the noise is coming from -- see if putting your hand on various places on the shell will lessen or stop the rattling. Not sure I've got any further ideas. Are you typing on a pad or something that will reduce or absorb vibrations?
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