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18-5-2019 08:58:42  #191

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

That’s a nice royal, though the price is pretty steep!!

Typewriter Service Tech (and avid nerd)

01-6-2019 12:24:53  #193

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

A nice 1932 Triumph with Fraktur Typeface.  I've never seen the back of one so I was surprised to see the "yellow plexiglass insert on the back which gives the inside of the machine a beautiful glow when the sun is shining."  All in all, a good reason to buy a lottery ticket.


02-6-2019 12:39:18  #194

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

noahwrote wrote:

A nice 1932 Triumph with Fraktur Typeface...

Typical Etsy. And yet another Fraktur model that someone is trying to flip for an obscene price. The fact that these regularly sell for $500-$800 CAD on eBay is crazy enough, but asking $2,000 CAD is just plain insane. The seller is obviously counting on a person who lights cigars with $100 bills to hand over the money.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.
     Thread Starter

10-6-2019 09:50:38  #195

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

An 1930's Yiddish typewriter made by the Barr-Morse Corporation. (Owned by John H. Barr, who played the "lead role in the revolutionary design for the first Remington portable typewriter." (See Robert Messenger's webpage ))


15-6-2019 17:18:10  #196

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

An early (1910?) Corona 3 folding typewriter, with "Standard Folding Typewriter" in parentheses.  Not the greatest shape but no bids yet on $69.95 +$12.60 shipping ending in 1 day (Sunday the 16th).  The kicker? It's being sold from Groton, NY where it was originally built.  If you're looking for a well-travelled typewriter, this is probablly not the one!


19-6-2019 17:51:13  #197


01-5-2020 19:23:09  #198

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

Is this thread still going? I apologize if I am committing necromancy.
Royal 440, especially compared to a Royal FP in regards their features and build quality of their inner working components.


02-5-2020 12:39:58  #199

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

I've never directly compared the inner components between the two models. Given that the FP was a product of the '50s, and the 440 was from the '60s, there would certainly have been differences and improvements; however, I wouldn't consider those manufacturing changes to be of consequence to a casual typewriter user in 2020. Both type well, and I'd be surprised if any typist today would be disappointed by either machine.

The underlying reality is that any superiority in build the 440 might have is completely irrelevant if its current condition isn't as good as the FP on sale beside it. 

The more important consideration to me, given they represent two very different design periods, would be their appearance, size, and type feel (also dependent on each individual model's condition). My subjective slant is to the FP. I prefer its '50s styling, more compact size, and denser keyboard. It's a more friendly machine on a home desk.

The 440 types just as well, but it really presents itself as a serious business typewriter. If I had to stick to a '60s Royal model, I would opt for the Empress over the 440. It's flamboyant persona is unique and unmistakeable; conversely, a 440 would become lost against a landscape of '60s office machines. 

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.
     Thread Starter

03-5-2020 22:59:17  #200

Re: Possible Acquistions Thread

That's a helpful insight without a doubt. I was wondering how true is what is said about the royal standards inner mechanisms, that they remained with little change and retained a remarkable built quality through the years.

Considering that I would not be dissappointed by either machine, I will go for whatever exemplar appears in good condition and reasonable price. So yeah, thanks, seems like it would be hard for me to go wrong.

As for the Royal Empress, is undenniably flamboyant, perhaps even prone to be a distraction in my particular case.


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