I have a very nice Corona 3 (1922) that has a broken drawband. I have some 1.3mm nylon blind cord that should make an excellent replacement if I can figure how to attach the cord to the main spring housing. Do I have to disassemble the main spring housing to insert the cord from the inside? Or is there a way to attach it without taking anything apart?
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Hi John
If the Corona 3 uses the same basic mainspring drum design as the Corona flat tops, this should be fairly straight forward. With the typewriter folded down, the mainspring drum is easily accessible. Look around the outer circumference of the drum and you should see a diamond shaped opening. The spring may be pressed against this opening making it a little less visible, so you may have to rotate the drum by hand to pull the spring away from the opening.
Cut your cord to the desired length and secure one end to the carriage.Tie a simple overhand knot in the other end of the cord and seal the end with a flame to prevent fraying. Give the drum about 5 turns to preload the spring, post the knot into the widest part of the opening and pull it to the narrow end so the cord is held in by the spring tension. Let the spring take up the slack on the cord and you should be back in business. Other members who actually own folding Nº 3's should be able to give you a more accurate description of the mainspring drum. Hope this points you in the right direction,
This is the main spring drum which shows the elongated teardrop shape of the opening. The blind cord attaches, just as you indicated, but is a bit too thick and binds on the diversion roller. I'll have to get some monofilament to see how well that works.CORONA Model 3 Folding Typewriter
Hi John
Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about. For options in good cord, go to your local outdoor sports store and pick up some 80 or 100 pound-test braided fishing line which is less than 1mm in diameter and try that. You may have to tie a double overhand stopper knot or figure of 8 knot as opposed to a simple overhand knot as the line is that much thinner, but the line will pass through the diversion roller. Another alternative is Atwood Micro-Cord which is thicker than braided fishing line, at 1.18mm, but still a little thinner than your mini blind cord. All the best,
After untangling the monofilament for about the fourteenth time I went back to the 1.3mm blind cord and got it to work. Now I have to straighten out the ribbon feed and it should be set to type.
Thanks for the help and the link for the Micro-Cord. I may get some for a different project.
Well, the 1.3mm blind cord worked but the carriage would stutter on occasion so I ordered the Micro-Cord and after installing it the machine works reliably now.
Hi John
Glad you were able to get your Nº3 sorted out and working properly. I just re-strung a 1938 Royal Speed-King S/N B764999 with Atwood's Micro-Cord (Fireball color) as the old linen cord was starting to fray. From experience, I can say this cord must be heat sealed any time it is cut or it really frays. All the best,