Hello all, I bought a Underwood Standard Four-Bank recently, it's still on the way from the States to Singapore. Besides the paint job, it is in excellent condition (I hope it's as true as what the seller said). Biggest bumper is the missing capital H typeface.
I have been corresponding with The Typewriter Man (Thanks again for the input!). Shipping it from Singapore to UK and back would cost at least a hundred. Right now I'm looking for smaller alternate solutions such as soldering together a loose typeface etc. Here are some photos from the seller, any sharp eyes around here to point out anymore things that need to be sourced? Many thanks!
Last edited by Utahist (22-7-2014 11:43:07)
From looking at the type sample and the image of the type slugs, it appears that the "C" typeface is missing. Make sure the missing slug isn't trapped somewhere in the machine or case. It can be replaced if a suitable used slug can be located.
Yes, I can confirm that it is missing the entire C type face, I couldn't find it in the casing or within the typewriter, though I might be wrong due to too much dust bunnies covering the base.
I am looking for a spare typeface and not an entire typewriter. I live in Singapore and shipping something the size of that would cost another hundred at least
Your best bet (assuming the slug can't be found) is to post on all the typewriter forums (yahoo TYPEWRITERS group especially) asking for someone who has a parts machine with the proper typeface who would be willing to sell the "C" slug or complete typebar. You would need to specify if it's pica or elite and the markings on the slug (looks like PP). Good luck!
Last edited by ProfessorC30 (15-8-2014 21:49:55)