That got your attention, didn't it ! I am currently looking into having a batch of these knobs manufactured and would like to gauge interest. The idea is to produce a 'universal' knob without the metal insert (which you could take from your broken knob and glue into the new one) that would be sold in pairs and could be used for either the left or right of the machine. For technical reasons that I won't go into here, these knobs would only be available in white and would closely resemble the shape of the Mark Two and Mark Three machines. Even in the late 1970's there was a problem with these knobs breaking and at that stage the only knobs that Hermes would supply were the white ones from the later models, so no change there ! It is early days yet, but it looks as if the selling price would be around $50 US per pair. Now, before I go any further, could you please respond via this forum and let me know if you would be interested in a pair of these knobs, think that the selling price is what you would like to pay, and if you violently object to having white replacement knobs on your Mark One or Mark Two 3000 when they should really be in Seafoam Green. Here's hoping to hear from you all
I am rather surprised that no-one has replied to this post - does the demand for these knobs no longer exist ? Here is an opportunity to get some properly made and no-one seems remotely interested If I don't hear anything soon, I will probably not bother to progress this.
A few thoughts:
1. It's only been a few days and it's possible that the majority of the regular members don't visit daily and haven't seen your offer yet.
2. Although I applaud your effort, it does bring up a conundrum pertaining to the current typewriter market. Parts, even though they might be fairly priced, are often close to the cost of an entire machine. It forces, collectors at least, to question the value of investing even more money into a machine when the opportunity to replace it with another one in better condition for the same price can arise. For example, if I was to spend $65 CAD on a pair of replacement platen knobs it would be more money than I've ever paid for an entire Hermes 3000.
3. I wonder how many Hermes 3000s are out there with broken platen knobs? I know it's been discussed by a few in the forum, but does that represent a real demand for these knobs? (I know your post is partly meant to figure that out). I'm lucky that none of my Hermes portables have broken knobs, but I'll start asking collectors in my area if they're in need of replacements.
This is always a problem. I liken it to the cost of a 'barn find' classic car and then having to pay ten times that figure for a professional restoration. Potential customers e-mail me all the time asking for a 'ball park' figure for servicing and repairing an (often rusty) standard typewriter and then think that I must be ripping them off when I quote a fair price for two working days worth of labour. Getting things specially made is usually an expensive proposition - even before any profit or postage is taken into account. There have been a few occasions when I have approached a supplier and they wanted three times what I know I could sell the item for. My hope is that with the high prices that Hermes 3000s fetch (at least in the UK), it would be worth buying a pair of platen knobs to give an otherwise unsaleable machine some value - or even some use ! I know that Hermes used a brittle plastic, and it was a problem even when these machines were only a few years old. Back in the late 1970's all Hermes could supply were the white knobs from the final model - which probably irked owners even then ! Sorry if I came over a bit annoyed, the truth is I was disappointed with the lack of response to what I thought would be a really good idea. You can take a horse to the water, but you can't always make it drink
I'm certain the day will eventually come when people will be clamouring for replacement Hermes knobs, but will we still be around to witness that demand? Despite what most sellers, and even a number of buyers believe, there are relatively few typewriters that are truly rare. Until Hermes portables actually become models that are difficult to find and replacement parts represent a fraction of their purchase cost, I'm afraid that most will be reluctant to spend money on their machines.
Our world is currently conditioned to buying disposable consumer products, cheap and cheaply made, and designed to be tossed away after an extremely short life cycle. Today's consumers don't appreciate the skill and time required to repair something that was designed to last a generation, and as you said, they balk at the cost of labour that isn't based in China.
Few people I meet are willing to pay for someone to work on their machines. One of the few typewriter technicians who is still active my area (he's an octogenarian) charges a ridiculously low rate and people still balk when he quotes them $70 to repair a machine that's been in the family for ninety years.
That is so true unfortunately - and this is why craftsmen of all disciplines are slowly dying out. In the words of the song - 'You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone' Then it's too late !