Hello guys,
I have a problem with my newly acquired Olympia Traveller deluxe typewriter. The ribbon is not coming back down when I type, and it covers what I type. I can push it back but it jumps back up when I press a key and stays there. So my question is, should the ribbon vibrator come back by gravity or should there be a spring? I looked around with a flashlight but couldn't see any loose spring. The linkages don't seem stiff but how should I proceed with this?
The ribbon vibrator has an arm to the right. You should be able to lift this arm a little (with a finger) to raise the ribbon vibrator. When you let go the arm, the arm should fall back to it's normal position. If not, check what's hindering the arm to fall back. If you remove the top cover you can see the linkage to the arm, on the right side under the ribbon spool.
When I had this problem, the arm was bent a little, after gently bending it back the problem was solved.
If that's not the case, try the following to get an idea of the system and to find out what's wrong:
- Pull back the linkage with a finger, it will raise the arm
- Don't remove your finger and use another finger to keep the arm in place
- Now remove the finger from the linkage, it should return (partially) back to its position
- Now remove the other finger from the arm, the arm should lower and the linkage should return completely to its start position
Hope this helps,
Laurenz van Gaalen wrote:
The ribbon vibrator has an arm to the right. You should be able to lift this arm a little (with a finger) to raise the ribbon vibrator. When you let go the arm, the arm should fall back to it's normal position. If not, check what's hindering the arm to fall back. If you remove the top cover you can see the linkage to the arm, on the right side under the ribbon spool.
When I had this problem, the arm was bent a little, after gently bending it back the problem was solved.
If that's not the case, try the following to get an idea of the system and to find out what's wrong:
- Pull back the linkage with a finger, it will raise the arm
- Don't remove your finger and use another finger to keep the arm in place
- Now remove the finger from the linkage, it should return (partially) back to its position
- Now remove the other finger from the arm, the arm should lower and the linkage should return completely to its start position
Hope this helps,
Thank you very much for your reply, thanks to your help I was able to correct the problem, apparently the vibrator was a little bent towards to keyboard and had some friction preventing to come back. I bent it back and now the ribbon drops like it is supposed to and I can read what I just typed.
However, this fix brought me a new problem that I didn't have before. When I type letters that extend to bottom area, i.e. descenders like q-g-p-j etc, the very bottom of them are red. Apparently, the vibrator rises a bit too much now. Maybe the friction prevented it from going up that much and now that it is free, it rises a bit too much and exposes the red part of my ribbon. I have tried to wiggle it a bit down but it didn't help. There was also a limit stop under the right ribbon but that was for not going too low I guess. Since the first fix was more important for me and I rarely use red anyway, I installed a single black color ribbon as a temporary fix.
Now, my question is, is there another limit stop or adjustment that I can make to prevent the vibrator going a bit too high? Or is it just a milimetric bending and wiggling that I have to make on the vibrator?
Same here, I also fixed the problem by using a single black ribbon. Permanent
I'm not sure what you mean with a 'limit stop', I have checked two of my Traveller de Luxe's and they don't have something I would recognize as such...
Some things you can try:
- Install the ribbon the other way around and see what happens
- Get a ribbon from another brand