Hi all,
I've acquired a '58 SM3 Deluxe, and am noticing that the keyboard flexes a bit when typing, unlike the more solid feel of two other slightly older SM3s I own. To describe: It's like on the "good" machines, I press a key, and only that key depresses. On this new machine, all the keys depress a little, and there's a sensation of bending down. It totally ruins the typical SM3 typing feel! I've compared all three machines, and can't see any obvious problems with the newest one. The type is clear & aligned. The machine has been thoroughly cleaned (the problem existed before the clean).
Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm assuming there's an adjustment out of whack somewhere-- I'm hoping y'all can narrow the focus for me
Fragpie wrote:
Hi all,
I've acquired a '58 SM3 Deluxe, and am noticing that the keyboard flexes a bit when typing, .... snip .... I'm assuming there's an adjustment out of whack somewhere-- I'm hoping y'all can narrow the focus for me
An adjustment to control how much the keyboard flexes? Hmmmm.