Does anyone have information about the selling price of Olympia Travellers back in the day's?
I'm interested in the prices over the years, as well as the difference between the models (Traveller, De Luxe, De Luxe S).
I can't help with the selling price, but can explain the differences. The 'Traveller' was the replacement for the Splendid 33, so single colour ribbon, fold up paper rest and no keyboard touch control. Only made for a few years in the early 1970's. The 'Traveller DeLuxe' had two colour ribbon, pop-up paper rest and keyboard touch control. The 'Traveller DeLuxe S' was developed in the 1980's by Olympia's sub-contactor in Yugoslavia, TBM, and has all the above features plus a pre-set tabulator. After around 1971, all Travellers were made in Yugoslavia. Most have the metal plate at the back with the country of origin omitted so as not to give the game away. For a while, the plastic snap-over carry cases carried a mould mark with the year of manufacture. This was later dropped. Yugoslavian frame castings marked TBM Unis have a year of manufacture cast into them - BUT - that is just when the casting was made. I suspect that the factory had about three years worth made at a time, and therefore the casting year can be earlier than the typewriter year. The very last Travellers had a single piece bail bar with no bail rolls in an attempt to cheapen manufacture as far as possible to remain competitive. The Traveller was still head and shoulders above other makes right until they finished production. I wish they were still making them. I wonder where the tooling went ? Hopefully not in the skip/dumpster !
Laurenz van Gaalen wrote:
I'm interested in the prices over the years, as well as the difference between the models (Traveller, De Luxe, De Luxe S).
I mean the PRICE difference between the models
thetypewriterman wrote:
The 'Traveller DeLuxe S' was developed in the 1980's by Olympia's sub-contactor in Yugoslavia, TBM, and has all the above features plus a pre-set tabulator.
Thanks Typewriterman, I didn't know that it was an Yugoslavian development, interesting.
Are you aware of any (official) or well documented sources about the Traveller history? There's a lot of practical info on the web, but very little background information, or information from people who actually build/maintain/selled them.
Found some info. The Traveller was selled for FL. 215,- and the De Luxe for FL. 250,- in 1969 in The Netherlands. I found two pricelist from the importer, containing prices of all Olympia equipment. In Dutch, but numbers don't lie.
Direct links to the PDF's
Also found marketing leaflets for typewriters and fonts, I scanned some and put them on my site: