Below is a link to some before and after pictures of my Oliver No. 5. Mechanically, it was in good shape but it had some cosmetic issues. Mainly, the paint was completely oxidized which I correct with Meguairs 7 Glaze followed by Meguiars Ultimate Compound. Some of the paint was like alligator skin under the keys which didn't entirely go away but it is much less noticeably now. I used Mother's Mag Aluminum polish for the chrome parts. Some of the chrome plating was completely gone, but not too bad. Platen is hard and the rollers have a flat spot, but it still feeds paper just fine.
In terms of my process, I do the following: use an air compressor and paint brush to remove all dust, disassemble and clean parts with lacquer thinner, use Evaporust on any heavy rusted parts, rejuvenate paint with Meguiars 7 Glaze, polish with Meguiars Ultimate Compound, polish chrome with Mother Mag Aluminum polish, reassemble, lube with Hoppes gun oil in a syringe, and test to make sure everything works.
The 'C' typeslug was broken off and missing, but luckily I found one online from a No. 3.... so I was able to cut it off with a Dremel and attach with JB Weld. Can't even tell it isn't original.
Wow, looks really great. Seems a hell of a job to me, how much time did you spend?
Beautiful! Like night and day
Laurenz van Gaalen wrote:
Wow, looks really great. Seems a hell of a job to me, how much time did you spend?
Thanks. Not sure how many hours, probably around 25 total. I did the restoration over several months so it was an hour here or an hour there.