Is there any definitive research on all the color combos offered on the SM3 and SM4 when they were new?
I've seen some Olympia colour specifications but they are based on individual model years rather than a comprehensive summary of all the colours that were offered over the length of the SM3 and SM4 production runs. Some collectors have certainly compiled a list of known colours based on sightings, which most Olympia fans are familiar with.
Are you wondering if a model you've come across has an original colour scheme, or just wanted to know what all the possible options are before buying one?
Be aware that it is very easy to switch ribbon covers on these models to make combos of original colors where those combos were not offered by the factory. Such combos might be striking enough that the color of the paper table and carriage ends (where not chrome) might not be noticeable.
I simply want to know what the available colors were. Not interested in custom combos.
Yeah, I understood that from your original question. I just wanted to warn you in case somebody sent a "documentary" photo. What would be useful is a factory list or a promotional brochure from each year of production. I am curious, too.
Are you wondering if a model you've come across has an original color scheme, or just wanted to know what all the possible options are before buying one? (OP ---Uwe)