Today I got lucky and found a 1953 Hermes Baby in a thrift store for just 9.95 Euro's.
Except for the missing ribbon covers the machine is in good condition, but it has some stains on the body and case.
Because I have no experience with crinkle paint, what is the best cleaning method?
Tooth brush (hard) and mild soap, except on the stickers. With the decals and stickers is better to work around them or just cover it with with plastic clay or Silly putty or something like that, just in case the soap damages the colours or the glue of the sticker. In the 3rd picture I see brown spots, but for me they look more like rust that went through the paint. Maybe something to remove the rust will work there, but it might also damage the paint. In my opinion I will leave any dirt alone if it doesn't come easily, but you can always try to use any harder soaps, alcohol or chemicals in a non visible place of the crinkle paint and see how it does react to it.
Ah, and in this typewriter is pretty easy to take the mechanism out of the shell, so I would recommend to do that in order to avoid any water or residual grime acumulate inside the typewriter. Just take the shell to the sink, hot water, soap and scrub!
Thank you steini