Hello all,
I am interested in getting a later model electronic typewriter/word processor. However, I would like one that offers 10,12, and 15 pitch, and proportional spacing. Finding what is offered is difficult. It looks like it's mainly the Wheelwriter and Xerox typewriters that offered this. Did Smith Corona ever make a PWP that offered this? Any other brands?
Thank you.
Well, I think you'll find that only daisywheel mechanisms offered that range, so that narrows down the possibilities. But both note that the IBM and Xerox typewriters are excellent and well-supported, so why (unless you'er a collector or mechanical arts student) keep searching?
Come to think of it, though, there might be some thermal printers that do it, but they won't be nearly so robust as those two. Also, pose your question to Steve K. here: and explore his site.