Does anyone know of source for such feet? If not, would silicone, 3D printed feet be an option? If yes, who might be able to do this?
I have three Super 5 machines and recently sold another; all of the rubber feet ere in fantastic condition after cleaning them.
I guess if I had to replace them, I would personally go the cheap route and look for a heavy duty rubber floor mat that I could cut new feet from. The rubber used in restaurant kitchen mats is perfect but it would have to be without the perforations. You may also be able to find this kind of shock absorption from an elastomer used in a motorcycle chassis or fork. Auto parts stores are great sources for this kind of stuff. Let us know how you get on with this part.
Phil Forrest
Hi Jlynn
If I understand you correctly, you're talking about the 1" square pads about ½" to ⅝" thick. I automatically thought these were rubber. However, taking a closer look at my 1955 Smith-Corona Silent-Super S/N 5T-362388X, I'm almost thinking the feet may be made of high density foam rubber. One source I was thinking of for solid rubber was stall matting from a farm supply store or the thick mud flaps from a highway transport truck. Let me ponder this for a couple of days and I'll see what I can find out for you. All the best,
I saw where someone replaced round rubber feet with thick rubber grommets. I need to replace some on a Royal, which has square feet. That surely won't bother me and since its not exactly a valuable machine would anyone else really care?
Actually they are round. Musta been thinking of another one.