I'm restoring a Lettera 22 to give to my brother in-law and I can tell that the removal of the platen knobs is going to destroy them. They are really seized badly and the plastic will most likely crack before the spindle lets go.
I'm looking to buy a pair if anyone has any to spare.
Thanks all!
Phil Forrest
Hi Pete,
currently I am sitting before my 1956 Lettera 22, my favourite portable. I am fortunate to have found a 22 that needs no work at all. I am interested to learn that the platen knobs are vulnerable.
I wonder though, (forgive me, you've most likely considered this) for the seizing, can penetrating oil not help? Or perhaps, is it entirely necessary to remove the platen? On some occasions I have serviced when not necessary, but for the sake of seeing procedure through.
I ask these questions due to interest in your restoration rather than teaching you to suck eggs as we say here in Australia.
I am grateful for your post, as I did not know that the platen knobs on my 22 were fragile. Upon examination, mmm yep they are. I'll be extra careful as a result.
Best wishes for your restoration.
The right side knob sheared off the knurled attachment to the spindle. Once that was off, I got some pliers on the spindle and unscrewed it from the platen, no problem. It's just the galvanic corrosion of a steel spindle threaded into an aluminum part. I'll probably have to epoxy or JB Weld the old knob back on to the spindle. I have been looking for days and the only way I'm going to be able to buy a spindle, is if I buy a typewriter connected to it.
I'm still on the lookout for a set of Lettera 22 platen knobs if anyone has them but if not, I think I'll be able to make due. I should probably have a set made at a local 3D printer...
Phil Forrest
This issue has been resolved.
Phil Forrest