Well we are more than 1-year past the time of this original discussion. Impacts to our home and typewriters due to the Covid-19 lock-downs, etc :
1. My machine collection grew from a modest 3-4 machines to over 23 machines.
2. Changed all of the toilets in our home to have bidet-seats...piped with water and using electricity to heat water and for a nice drying cycle. In winter, we can even turn on the feature where the surface of the toilet seat is heated. These bidet-seats have dropped our usage of toilet paper in our home by early 90%. Did all the work as DIY project and saved $$'s doing that too.
3. With flour stock-piled, we learned to enjoy baking/making our own bread.
4. Total miles driven in our vehicles have dropped to only about 2000 miles in one year for each vehicle.
5. We stopped eating out at restaurants for the full year. Healthier to cook at home from scratch and we have saved a ton of $$'s doing so and not spending at restaurants. Not a good thing for such businesses, but great for us. Do not even missing going out for it will be the "new normal" for us.
6. Less and less consumerism and saving more $$'s in the process.
7. We both are retired and found our days at home doing more reading, listening to music, playing guitar, cooking and baking, taking bicycle rides, and keeping up with our landscaping and our vegetable garden.
And of course...more time and solitude for typing.