Since I found my typewriter I have been trying to find excuses to use it. There are only so many times you can write pack my bag with five dozen liquor jugs. I have typed a few letters and even started writing some not so good stories.
So what do other people use their typewriters for?
For a while I was doing a lot of writing (mostly personal essays, a few poems), but I've been stuck in writer's block for the last several months, so at the moment I write letters with mine. All the letters start out with a description of whichever machine I'm typing on. My poor friends.
As a 'professional' I could probably type on any of my customers' machines that happen to be available and working, but in the main I don't. My personal machine is a mid 1960's Olympia DeLuxe that belonged to my mother. She bought it nearly-new whilst I was still at school. As to what I use it for, well at present it is mainly invoices for customers. Some of them are really pleased to get one that is typewritten and think that it is a gimmick - but in fact it is what I would do anyway. It is far more convenient to me than trawling through a computer program and using a cumbersome printer which would take up space. I am also a self-published author (non-fiction), so have a sideline in selling copies of my book worldwide. My typewriter has been producing address labels for my book parcels for years. So much clearer than handwritten, and I think more personal than a computer generated and printed label !
I use my typewriters for everything, but mostly for initial drafts (I write for a living). Unfortunately, in the end it still has to go in the computer, and since the OCR software process can be more work than its worth, I tend to type the final copy on my computer.
I bought an Olympia SG1 the other day (my sixth) from a woman in her seventies who just finished writing a cook book on the machine. To get it to her publisher she had to type it all out again using a computer, but it's nice to know that many typewriters are still working machines.
Greetings All
Since being bitten with the typewriter bug, I've written or typed more letters to friends and family than ever before in my life (except maybe when I was dating my wife to be in my collage years). My father-in-law gifted me with his late wife's 1969 Hermes 3000, so I make a point of typing him 3 or 4 letters a year. I use my 1961 (same year I was built) SCM Smith-Corona Skyriter for taking notes at our monthly Fish and Game Association meetings. I'm the club secretary and typing is just a lot quicker and more legible than my hand writing. All the best,
My hard writing is pretty bad so I Definitely agree a typewriter is a fun solution.
skywatcher wrote:
I use my 1961 (same year I was built) SCM Smith-Corona Skyriter for taking notes at our monthly Fish and Game Association meetings.
How long did it take before everyone else at the meeting got used to you clacking away in the corner of the room? Did anyone complain about the noise being a distraction?
I use mine to write my fictional works and letters. After writing first draft on typewriter, i re-write with computer because people doesn't want too many papers around
Hi Uwe
The 4Y- series Skyriter is by nature a quiet machine, and when it's sitting on my lap, other members can hold a regular conversation while I'm typing without having to raise their voices. Some of the members have actually said they like the gentle clatter of the typewriter during the meeting. When it comes time to re-type the minutes into my home computer, I never have any trouble reading what I've written. All the best,
What do I use my typewriters for? Oh, the usual--just stacking letters on a page in all the right places so someone will have something to read after I'm through.