I think my repair person swapped a pica machine escapement out and put an elite typewriter escapement in. Seems to type a bit funny and the letters seem rather condensed. Is it my imagination? Is the spacing controlled by the type rack or does the gear on the escapement affect spacing?
the parts machine was otherwise identical.
The escapement absolutely controls the spacing. It limits how far the carriage moves with each keystroke.
Phil Forrest
Hi Lynn
As Phil says, the escapement wheels are totally interchangeable. The carriage rack and the escapement pinion will always have the same pitch so they will mesh properly. The difference is in the number of points on the star wheel. For example, a Smith-Corona Galaxie-12 was available with 6, 10 and 12 CPI. The rack and pinion were the same on all the machines, the only difference was the number of points on the star wheel dictating how many clicks it took for one revolution of the pinion. Hope this isn't too confusing, I'm a mechanic by trade, so tend to talk technically. All the best,
Huh. So maybe there is a way to fix the atrocious letterspacing on Royal models with the Vogue font; fit an elite starwheel in there.
skywatcher wrote:
Hi Lynn
As Phil says, the escapement wheels are totally interchangeable. The carriage rack and the escapement pinion will always have the same pitch so they will mesh properly. The difference is in the number of points on the star wheel. For example, a Smith-Corona Galaxie-12 was available with 6, 10 and 12 CPI. The rack and pinion were the same on all the machines, the only difference was the number of points on the star wheel dictating how many clicks it took for one revolution of the pinion. Hope this isn't too confusing, I'm a mechanic by trade, so tend to talk technically. All the best,
I can't speak for Smith Corona, but on Royals, the escapement pinion and rack would also differ depending on the pitch. Looking at one of my parts catalogs, the same would be true of Underwood, as well. I have only personally dealt with this on a Royal, so I have never bothered to check other makes.
Thanks for the replies. It’s a Torpedo escapement put in a SeniorRiter unit. Same machines really. Interesting that the star wheels might be the same. I’ll do a couple of type samples and post them. I have a Bluebird that I think is pica, so could show if there’s a difference. I wish I was a more talented/experienced technician. I enjoy working on typewriters but have my limits. Need an apprentice position somewhere. I’ll post the pictures soon.
Here’s an image of the type
Better link.
LynnJ wrote:
Here’s an image of the type