Does anyone know the size of the screw/fastener for this cover plate on my Olympia SM9 wide carriage?
I would just take the other screw from the opposite side of the machine down to my local ACE Hardware store to find a match in their little self-service drawers in their hardware aisle.
Not sure from your photo, but did the screw head shear off ? Looks like the threaded part of the screw might still be in place...
Hi FP+
In a word — tiny. The best measurements I could get indicate it's an M-2.5 - 0.45 x 3.5 mm long. Hope this helps,
Pete E. wrote:
I would just take the other screw from the opposite side of the machine down to my local ACE Hardware store to find a match in their little self-service drawers in their hardware aisle.
Not sure from your photo, but did the screw head shear off ? Looks like the threaded part of the screw might still be in place...
Hi Pete,
That will be my next choice following the current search. I truly appreciate the folks at the Ace near me. I bought it locally and didn't notice it missing until I got it home. It's not sheared off but I took this angle to show the folks I bought it from. He is looking for a screw that I cn hopefully get tomorrow.
skywatcher wrote:
Hi FP+
In a word — tiny. The best measurements I could get indicate it's an M-2.5 - 0.45 x 3.5 mm long. Hope this helps,
Thank you Sky. I'll pass this along to the fellow I bought it from - George
Hi Again
Screws of similar size are used in today's electronics. If you have an old printer or other piece of equipment that is due for recycling, take the screws out of that, you might find one the right size. I dismantled an old Epson inkjet printer that had died, lots of M-3 screws from that piece. All the best,
Thank you again Sky for that suggestion as well. I had gone through my tiny salvaged screws. Your observation that it is tiny..., yes it is! I did try the one from the other side just to know it wasn't stripped out threads and it tightened well. - George
skywatcher wrote:
Hi FP+
In a word — tiny. The best measurements I could get indicate it's an M-2.5 - 0.45 x 3.5 mm long. Hope this helps,
That was the correct size! Thank you again!
Hi George
Glad I was able to help you with this one. Having my own mechanic's shop set up for small engines has its advantages, especially when I also have an SM-9 from which I can borrow parts for measuring. All the best,