Greetings All
Here's a question for you Facit aficionados in our group. If you lift the ribbon cover off your TP-2 or 1620 and turn it over, you see an alignment dowel which locks into the retaining spring on either side of the machine. On each of the 4 corners of the ribbon cover, there is a cylindrical post cast into the metal.
Can anyone tell me if these 4 posts originally had a cork or rubber pad glued to them, or is it a metal to metal contact between the ribbon cover and the metal tabs either side of the retaining springs? I can add pictures later if my description is not sufficient. Thanks and all the best,
Hi Sky,
On my TP2, 1620, and even the is all metal-to-metal contact.
On the 1620, the ribbon cover did a bit of rocking and metal rattle when I typed. Solved that with a very thin piece of felt material...the type you use to float a glass table top on a table frame. Only had to add the felt to 1 of the 4 contact points.
The ADDO has its ribbon cover making contact with some metal (adjustable) horizontal levers screwed in place to the frame and not the cast-in-place "posts" of the earlier models. Its ribbon cover was rocking a bit too, so I re-formed the metal lever to solve that problem.
Hi Pete
Thank you for the information, I used a flat blade screw driver to lift the ends of the horizontal plates which hold the locating springs and are riveted to the main body of the machine. Ribbon cover rock and rattle completely gone. Thanks again,