I’m hoping someone will have a suggestion for the Smith-Corona Coronet Electric 12 I recently bought. (SN 6ELJ-166817) The period key has stopped hitting as hard as all the other keys. When it first arrived it seemed to be equivalent to all the other keys. Now it barely registers and I have to backspace multiple times for it to be seen well. It does this even when shifted. The comma is still a solid hit but the period has lost its umpf. I have read that on some electrics the period is designed to not hit as hard so as not to puncture the paper so maybe this is adjustable? Having to always give special attention at the end of each sentence does stop the flow of writing. Any help will be gratefully appreciated.
The dealer I bought it from suggested trying a drop of oil at the hinge spot. Oiling had no effect. I’ve attached a scanned a page that also makes no sense. Ignore the first line because that’s where I started with the top cover slid back and sadly gave me false hopes. I also wanted to make sure the ribbon was moving. I have no clue why it would be faintest on the left and then darken after the middle. There is a noticeable level difference of sound for the strike force of the period. Any other possible things I can do from here? I can return it for a refund if the fix is not possible.
I faintly recall seeing a Duane Jensen video where each key-top lever had some small individual adjustment screw (under the key-board) where the touch/impression of each key could be adjusted. I think the video I recall seeing was for some sort of S-C electric machine...but then it might have been for Brother electric...???
From looking at some user-manuals for the Twelve 12 machines on Richard Polt's site, some of these models had not only a "copy control" dial/lever around the keyboard somewhere but also a "touch control" adjustment on the bottom of the machine under the space bar.
Never having a S-C electric 12 in my hands...I am not able to give any more pointers...
I had found some references to manual keys but nothing yet for the electric although there must be something somewhere. I'm not quite ready to do any experimenting yet without an "and this is how to fix it" for the machine. It does seem that since it originally worked and now has lost striking power an adjustment must be possible.
I wish we had a typewriter repair shop here in Eugene.
You might give Duane a call and see if he can steer you in the right direction.
On his YouTube channel (for Phoenix Typewriters), there is/was a "tip jar" icon where you could leave a monetary donation for his time/advice.
I did use the tip jar in the past and it went through my PayPal account to his jar.
Great idea! Thanks Pete.
The seller could not find a fix either and it was decided to make the return.
Nothing to do with the S-C Coronet-12...but the Olympia SGE-35 is one of those electric machines that has an individual adjustment for each type-slug's impression on paper.
Duane Jensen with Phoenix Typewriters covers this in the following YouTube video at around 1:20 into the run-time of the video clip.
I was not aware of this feature and sure is on my machine, too.
Thanks for that video Pete. I pulled the cover off my SKE Report deLuxe and it also has the adjustment screws.
The fix for the Coronet Electric 12 I was told involved tweaking the typebar a little. Speaking of the stoutness of typebars when I was in Don Reed's shop he was showing me how flimsy one of the new Chinese made machines are. That didn't seem like a wise choice of a place for material cut-back but perhaps the new typewriters aren't meant to really be used.
I kick myself every-time I come home with some tool or gadget that is Made In China.
Seem to be designed and made to only last 1 season, usually.
Our local War-Mart had a pallet of those new "Royal" typewriters for sale in the middle of their electronics section a couple of years ago. I think they were asking just under $ 200 USD for them. They had 2 machines out for demo. I was not impressed.
Especially when I can (and just did this past week) pick-up a pristine 1963 Olympia SM7 on SGW for ~ $ 100 USD and it works perfectly and only needs a good cleaning and a new ribbon.
George, if I recall correctly...your SKE is made in seems natural for it to have a row of adjustment screws.
My SEP made in Japan dropped that feature and I suspect the Japanese-made Report machines would not have them either.