Tomorrow the body panels go back on. Space-bar got a new color.
When cooler weather returns, its case will get the "works".
It is now all buttoned up.
It is still in my "patient waiting room" its case repair and repaint work is still pending.
I have gotten in the habit of leaving my "in-process" projects on the floor of my hobby room. Cannot ignore them as I walk by them numerous times each day.
( My Hermes adding machine awaits a new metal paper spool (coming from Switzerland) and new ribbon on metal spools. )
Great! Jury is still out on the blue spacebar.
Hi Mike,
For me too...
Here is a photo of an original machine with the space-bar color.
I went with this lighter shade of blue...but as a back up...I have a darker, deeper blue that is very close to what the factory used...Krylon calls their color "Island Splash". Might go to that if the current color does not grow on me this week.
There was a period in the 60s when Fender Strat guitars used a run of pickguard plastic that turned from white to green over the years. I suspect that the original spacebar color turned as well. Which begs the question of what color was it when if came out of the factory? On the other hand, those Fender Stratocaster's with the turned plastic have a certain charm and are some of the most sought after today.
Here is another one on the TWDB Gallery pages with the same color scheme...and with the cream colored paper tray.
I guess some period print ads in color might give a clue to what color combinations were possible over the years this machine was produced.
Pete E. wrote:
Here is another one on the TWDB Gallery pages with the same color scheme...and with the cream colored paper tray.
I guess some period print ads in color might give a clue to what color combinations were possible over the years this machine was produced.
I see what you mean. Maybe they decided to use the bar from the alpine blue on the cypress green machine too.
It hard to know for sure...without some samples of color print-ads from the times.
The "blue" space bars on the seafoam green machines could also be the result of a repair shop needing a replacement space bar and used what they had at time time on their parts machines.
The space bars are fragile. No metal reinforcing strut on the bottom side of the plastic and they press fit onto the flat metal tangs (as key-tops do) rather than being held in place with a pair of small washers and screws.
A pair...
A speedy typer?