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I have 2 Smith Corona Electra 120's.
Line spacing on one is 1,2,3
Line spacing on the other is 1, 1-1/2, 2
Why was the 1-1/2 line spacing made in one and not another? Different year? Markets (euro vs usa)?
Based on my memory, the change to the line spacing option was not unique to the Electra.
Smith-Corona changed the 1-2-3 spacing to 1-1.5-2 across its entire portable range, my guess would be in the early '60s. However, I couldn't tell you whether they were all changed the same model year, or if there were some models that weren't actually changed, without doing a little digging.
I've got 8 Smith-Corona 6-series portables, both manual and electric, ranging in age from 1965 to 1975. The line spacing change doesn't seem to be tied to a particular date, as I have variations of each (1-2-3 and 1-1 1/2-2) in both the earliest and latest models. Could it have been a special-order option, like the typefaces? I don't recall seeing any advertisements that offered a choice, so maybe not.
Are you saying that you have models from the '70s with the 1-2-3 spacing? If that's the case, my collection has been deceiving me because all of my early '60s (and '50s) have the 1-2-3, and the later models are all 1-1.5-2.
I've never seen/noticed line spacing being offered as an option either.
Uwe wrote:
Are you saying that you have models from the '70s with the 1-2-3 spacing? If that's the case, my collection has been deceiving me because all of my early '60s (and '50s) have the 1-2-3, and the later models are all 1-1.5-2.
I've never seen/noticed line spacing being offered as an option either.
The 1-1/2 line spacing is on my 1968 Smith Corona Electra 120.
I wonder if all of th SC Electra and also the Coronet and Galaxie series after a certain year came with the 1-1/2 line spacing. Or maybe it varied by model?
Or maybe those sold in the European market offered 1-1/2 line spacing.
I have a 1968 Classic 12 with elite font that has the 1-1.5-2 line spacing and two Galaxie 12's, both pica font with 1-2-3 spacing from 1975 and '76. I have 5 SCM electrics from late 60's and early 70's with a mixture of the two fonts, Coronets , Sears Medalist, Electra's, that have 1-1.5-2-2.5-3 ability.
Uwe wrote:
Are you saying that you have models from the '70s with the 1-2-3 spacing? If that's the case, my collection has been deceiving me because all of my early '60s (and '50s) have the 1-2-3, and the later models are all 1-1.5-2.
I've never seen/noticed line spacing being offered as an option either.
I just opened all the cases and double-checked.
Machines with 1-2-3 spacing:
1968 Electra 220
1968 Coronet Electric
1969 Galaxie XII
1969 Galaxie Deluxe
Machines with 1-1 1/2-2 spacing:
1965 Electra 120
1967 Classic 10
1973 Classic 12
1975 Classic 12
Perhaps something that was offered as an option in earlier years and became standard later (possibly because of a high rate of people choosing that option)?
It could also be that our available reference data for Smith-Corona is not entirely accurate. I had to extrapolate the manufacture date of my Galaxie Deluxe, for example, based on available (earlier) data and adjusting by the approx. number of machines produced each year.
It seems the "regular" spacing, noted as "1", "2", "3" are more common.
Is this true?
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