Thank you Kalani, we're on the same wavelength. I've never thought of odors, but you make a great point. Since all I use is mineral spirits and oil for general clean up; thinner and Hoppe's No. 9 for tough jobs, the final step is spirits, a diluted oil with a follow up with lube in the needed areas. The end is a typewriter that smells like a typewriter; at least as I recall that from the 1960s. I have a Remington 17 I've had in storage for 15 years since I restored and last used it. It's still fully functional though it would get a minor lube if needed daily.
Nothing better than to smell an ink-ribbon and some machine oil when using a typewriter.
However...I have an Imperial Good Companion 5 that I got from an old couple in the UK...and after much cleaning and still has a bit of "old couple's home" smell.
Which brings a smile to me as I am brought back to the memory of my grandparents home in The Hauge (in the Netherlands) which was over 150 years old.