I really like this make/model.
It has a soft head-band which is really comfortable and the lighting output can be stepped down to 2 other lower levels by pushing the on/off button a couple of more times.
I even wear in on early morning walks during our winters when it is still dark outside.
My space is a bit cramped, but serviceable:
It's right next to my computer table, so when I'm working from home, I can take tinker breaks. I'll start something on the computer that takes a few minutes to run, move over to the typewriter to remove a part, or adjust a few type bars, then go back to the computer when it's done. It's an enjoyable way to work (both on typewriters and my day job).
As I remove screws and other bits, they go into the Stanley parts sorter boxes to the left. The nice thing about that, besides keeping track of what's what, is that my work is transportable: I can just close the case, grab the tool chest on the right (or put a few essentials in a smaller case), pick up the machine I'm working on, and head out to the deck (weather permitting) to do some weekend tinkering. It also lets me have multiple machines in progress.
The monitor in the background is handy for having the PDFs of Ted Munk's Repair Bibles up. Since I usually work on typewriters with my reading glasses (so I can be up close and see small bits), I can zoom the monitor really far so that I can read it, despite being outside my reading glasses range.
The desk lamp was a nice addition - the wide light bar casts a soft light with fewer shadows for small parts to hide in.
The computer keyboard drawer also had an unexpected benefit - it makes a pretty good screw catcher.
Has anyone found a good magnifier with headlight?
I've got one of these: Zega Crafts Headband Magnifier w/ 3 Multi-Depth Magnifying Lenses & Detachabe Worklight : Health & Household. The magnifier is great and works nicely over my glasses, but the light is useless. I've worn my headlight (similar to what Pete has posted) over the magnifier, but it falls off easily.
robmck wrote:
Has anyone found a good magnifier with headlight?
I've got one of these: Zega Crafts Headband Magnifier w/ 3 Multi-Depth Magnifying Lenses & Detachabe Worklight : Health & Household. The magnifier is great and works nicely over my glasses, but the light is useless. I've worn my headlight (similar to what Pete has posted) over the magnifier, but it falls off easily.
I've got that one, too. Yes. The light is useless.
Also use various "powers" of "cheater" generic reading and magnifying glasses.
So far, the tiniest screws are the one's on the Olympias that hold down the plastic card guide assembly.
Also the allen wrench screws on tthe SCM plastic clutches if backed out too far.
Kalani wrote:
robmck wrote:
My space is a bit cramped, but serviceable:
It's right next to my computer table, so when I'm working from home, I can take tinker breaks. I'll start something on the computer that takes a few minutes to run, move over to the typewriter to remove a part, or adjust a few type bars, then go back to the computer when it's done. It's an enjoyable way to work (both on typewriters and my day job).
As I remove screws and other bits, they go into the Stanley parts sorter boxes to the left. The nice thing about that, besides keeping track of what's what, is that my work is transportable: I can just close the case, grab the tool chest on the right (or put a few essentials in a smaller case), pick up the machine I'm working on, and head out to the deck (weather permitting) to do some weekend tinkering. It also lets me have multiple machines in progress.
The monitor in the background is handy for having the PDFs of Ted Munk's Repair Bibles up. Since I usually work on typewriters with my reading glasses (so I can be up close and see small bits), I can zoom the monitor really far so that I can read it, despite being outside my reading glasses range.
The desk lamp was a nice addition - the wide light bar casts a soft light with fewer shadows for small parts to hide in.
The computer keyboard drawer also had an unexpected benefit - it makes a pretty good screw catcher.
Looks like a wonderful peaceful place to spend an afternoon with a well deserving "typer".
Thanks for the pic.
I recognize the Jerker... it wasn't until I sold mine that I became aware it has a cult following.
Well spotted, Uwe! I used to have two Jerkers but have replaced one with a motorized sit/stand desk which is nice.
Because the Jerkers are fairly adjustable, I set up this workstation about 3 inches higher than a normal table height so that I can work on a machine without hunching over.
They are brilliant in certain applications; I used to have a small loft space, which was an ideal place for a Jerker. Its compact footprint combined with extreme versatility truly explains why it has such a following. It pains me to say it, but sometimes Ikea actually does produce a winning design.
dental tools for teeny tiny space and tiny things