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02-9-2023 21:18:28  #1901

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

A few weeks ago I decided it was time to let some typewriters go. It was time, I hadn't used many of them in years. I was successful in selling 10. Now I have 14 left. I was feeling pretty proud of myself for lightening the load when I came across an electric Smith Corona Coronet in excellent condition and in CURSIVE at a thrift store. It came home with me. A few days later, my unicorn popped up on FB marketplace---a Hermes 3000 in CURSIVE for an amazing price. After not buying a typewriter for about 6 years, I buy two in a span of a couple of weeks. Go figure but yay me.


03-9-2023 19:08:00  #1902

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

I just bought a Penncrest Concord 10 with cursive type. I think probably the same machine as the SC Coronet. All was frozen stiff until generous use of solvent got things working again. Now trying to make the margins controls work if I can figure out how to take off the back of the carriage and determine how the the sliders interact with the MR key which in sitting in the down position. Like you, I have let some machines go to make more room, and now surprisingly adding more. 

- Be kind 

04-9-2023 12:39:26  #1903

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

​Recent acquisition is a robins egg blue Tower, 1960. I have two other colors of this Tower series, produced in 1960 only. Made by Smith Corona of series 5 parts for Sears and Roebuck. I think it's basically an SC Sterling or Silent from that period. They came with the SC "holiday" case. Like all SC series 5 machines they're good typers after a few rounds of solvent to dissolve the old grease. 


- Be kind 

04-9-2023 16:20:34  #1904

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread


Lovely machines in great colours.

Looks like the Forum is "blowing up"  your photos, as well.


05-9-2023 11:36:32  #1905

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

Pete E. wrote:


Lovely machines in great colours.

Looks like the Forum is "blowing up"  your photos, as well.

I think I'm just missing a mint green and a light tan to complete this pastel color series. As to picture size, I haven't visited and loaded pictures in a while so I may have missed some selection of picture size to fit. 


- Be kind 

05-9-2023 15:42:14  #1907

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

That's a Tower President XII. It's just the 1960 Tower Tabulator pastel colors that I'm collecting. They are usually inexpensive so it's not too costly to collect different colors. I have blue, pink and putty(?). I think I'll pass on the tan and keep an eye out for a green one. Thanks


- Be kind 

05-9-2023 21:43:54  #1908

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

Tower Tabulator = SC Sterling or Silent?


06-9-2023 07:05:57  #1909

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

robmck wrote:

Tower Tabulator = SC Sterling or Silent?

Those period machines are similar so it's difficult to say if any one is the predecessor to the '60 Tower Tabulator. I don't currently have a Sterling or Silent to compare it with but the features look the same. The Tower has that flatted front cover like some later models such as the SC Classic. I imagine the SC mad men sitting around a table: "hey we have all these leftover parts going to waste and we're launching our new models. Let's call Sears and Roebuck!

- Be kind 

06-9-2023 13:16:19  #1910

Re: Recent Acquisitions Thread

Yes, the Sterling and Silent are really similar. I just found my notes when I compared the ones I had ('49 Silent and '52 Sterling):

- The Silent has paper fingers, the Sterling doesn't.
- The Silent has 3 paper bail rollers, the Sterling has 2.
- The Silent has felt panels on all body panels, the Sterling has felt only on the ribbon cover.
- The Silent has a user removable platen, while the Sterling requires you to remove a screw to get the platen out.

I'd forgotten about the paper fingers and bail rollers when I posted my last question. Given that, it looks like the Tower Tabulars are the same as SC Sterlings.


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