Hi Type-writers,
I recently bought a Hermes 3000 and already restored it. The release knob on the left side has a small screw which used to remove the knob durin overhaul. During reassembly the scrw seemed to not work as expected and it turned out some of the thread-windings lost their shape.
I made a new screw to the same length and notice that the knob by now has around 1/8 of a turn play. Means I can turn it physically bevore the platen itself is turning. I dont know if it was already like this befor or if it's normal. I suspect not.
Any suggestions?
Hi Chris,
I checked with my Media 3 - there should be no play on the platen knob.
Can it be that the threads on the female side have also worn?
Do you have an original screw with the point that is narrower on the end, so it catches in a slot on the axis? (see picture).
Did you mount the 2 little flat springs on both sides of the axis? (see picture).
Hope this helps :-)
Hi Paul,
it seems the original screw has been replaced with another one. The one I found doesn't have the end which will be able to catch the slot. The springs are all in place and do their jobs. You picture fromt the screw is the input I needed. I will manufacture one of these screws.
Thank you.
It worked. Thank you a lot It seemed that the previous owner (btw. he sold it on ebay as Hermes Media :D for super cheap price) had used one of this special screws for the chassis and so used the wrong screw there. I corrected this.
The flat springs are now also correct. I noticed that on half of the platen turn the ratched sounded different like its not fully working. In This case swapping the springs helps. Or at best use tape to secure them at their respective spots when disassembling.
ChrisMacgyver wrote:
had used one of this special screws for the chassis and so used the wrong screw there. I corrected this.
Well done. It is very satisfying when you discover and fix earlier misrepairs