Ok! I've figured out a way to bent the spring in a "V" shape, like a tension spring, and now it works! Thanks a lot for your help, guys!
Yes! Exactly as I was going to say. One end of the spring needs to anchor on that pin, and the other onto the line space leaver, on that little lip of metal that comes down.
It works! Hooray! Didn’t notice the second page here. Congratulations!
Hi, I have the same problem with spring of the line space lever, but on my machine the spring seems to be broken, and is now only two coils thick. I wonder if anyone has tried to make a new spring for such a mechanism and made it work again? If so, do anyone have any advice to share, for instance what kind of metal wire which is suitable?
Quinn, here, has excellent instructions for many machining tasks, like making these springs:
. Highly recommended. And there are others on YouTube when you look for "making springs".Offline
I liked her joke about the "Spring Semester"...