And here is the marbleized red coloured compared to the dark brown marble and the light brown marble.
A jade-green swirl came in the mail today.
It is a Variation # 1 (i.e. round plastic top with no side flutes and no "Aceliner") and no "ACE" stamped in the metal front.
Works perfectly...from the 1940's or 1950's or so.
Latest hoard photo...
The only one that does not work is the "turquoise" re-paint I did.
This new one will be here next week.
Real prize is its original box and user instruction card. Do not think the stapler has ever been used.
This is a Variation # 4 from the 1970's or early 1980's.
Odd to nab this one when I went to all that work to make myself a "turquoise" one a couple of weeks back.
Sorry...typo in my previous post. It is a Variation # 2...round top with "Ace" on the metal front face. Probably made in the 1960's or so.
Love that it came with the box. Score!
i finally just bought my first two on ebay and should get them next week. One is the minty green and the other is greenish gray that looks similar to the Hermes body color.
Next, I’m going to start looking for a desktop tape dispenser. Do you have any of those you recommend?
Hi John,
Best for me to not fall into another rabbit-hole for a while.
But these two styles appeal to me...
Do an image search via Google, etc...and you might find a nice 1950's or 1960's style that "speaks to you" and would look neat next to the stapler and your machine.
Maybe give the tape despenser a re-paint.
Funny, I just bought one like your first photo and am contemplating one like the second.
I had also sent you a PM about spray paint matching to the Hermes 3000 body color for these items.
Hi John,
I did reply yesterday with some suggestions.
BTW...Ace Stapler also made a small version of the Aceliner...called the Cadet. It comes in the Hermes mint green as well.
Regarding Hermes 3000 colours. Remember there are two colours. The grey/green of the body and the mint colour of the key-tops. If yu decide to paint a tape dispenser, you can consider either colour.
Ace stapler colours in mint-green...