Adler J-2
Made in Western Germany
Mint Condition, Fully Restored.
Notes: Heavy typing action with long travel. Very "tight" feeling of precision mechanisms.
Note: Touch Control feature is on J4 models
Hi Jim,
That's a lovely machine with some great print-out results.
Here is my 1962 Triumph Perfect. Lots of carry-over to your 1975 machine.
Mine also does not have the touch-control.
And a very tiny Margin Release key-top along the left side. Looks like your M-R is full-sized.
The placement of the Tab key-tops have relocated between our machines, as well.
The Adler Gabriele 25 and 35 models have touch-control, as well.
Here is what a 25 looks like...and in one of the photos, you can see the touch contro lever on the left side, with the ribbon cover removed.
What ribbon are you using? The impression looks so dark and clear!
Kalani wrote:
Adler J-2
Notes: Heavy typing action with long travel. Very "tight" feeling of precision mechanisms.
FWIW: I have had a 1970 Gabriele 10, 1971 Gabriele 25 and a 1965 Junior 20. The typing action of the Gabriele's wasn't light, but certaiy not heavy. I would call the action medium. The Junior had a very heavy action because it had been oiled a lot. Multiple cleaning sessions with paint thinner helped a bit, but not much. After I removed the typebars I found the problem: the pivoting erea was covered by a hard layer of dried lubricants. I sanded it away, and voila! The typing action improved dramatically and was roughly the same as the Gabriele's.
Pete E. wrote:
The Adler Gabriele 25 and 35 models have touch-control, as well.
The 25 doesn't have touch-control. I suppose Triumph/Adler used one cast for all models, so that's why the + and - signs as well as the slot for the lever are present.
Hi Lau,
Thanks for the correction and the good tip.
I thought the Adler 25/35 were just like the Adler J4/J5...
Hi Pete,
I think the Gabriele 10/25/35 and J's are not exact the same, at least not all of them. The J3 for example is the older generation Gabriele 3 (which is basically the last version of the Perfekt with a plastic body).
WJC wrote:
What ribbon are you using? The impression looks so dark and clear!
Unknown. Just got it and it already has a new ribbon installed by the restoration shop on Etsy. "Hermesman".
Laurenz van Gaalen wrote:
The typing action of the Gabriele's wasn't light, but certaiy not heavy. I would call the action medium.
I agree. None of the dozen or so Adler/Triumph portables I own exhibit a heavy type action, but then again I can only think of a few typewriters I've purchased that did - and most of them needed work to restore something close to a factory feel. The description of a type action can be a rather subjective thing, but generally speaking manufacturers made these things to be easy to use for long periods of time, and if a machine is heavy it usually indicates that something needs attention.