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04-5-2024 10:57:19  #21

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

Hi Rob,

No I do not.

Based on your issues, I can see why my first Parade was gutting of all/most the the Tab controls.  That machine only had its Tab set/clear lever at the left-side of the key-board, but that was not attached to anything and was wired up to the framing by a previous owner or repair shop.

All the Tab stops were still there...I left all of the stops in their upper positions except for the ones I epoxy-glued in place about every 8 spaces across the platen.

In all honesty....I only seem to use 1 or 2 Tab stops and those for paragraph indentations. 

I like these small machines with factory-fixed Tab stops.  So much less to go wrong.


04-5-2024 16:01:21  #22

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

Thanks again Pete for the photos and notes. I completely removed the brake, reformed it to look more like yours, and reinstalled it. Now the tab brake works (slows the carriage down), and the tab arm doesn't drag on the tab stop rack anymore. Seems to work pretty well, in fact.

Interestingly, when I had the brake out of the machine, the face of the nylon disc showed no wear except for a little rubbing on the corner of one side. It looks like this brake was never correctly positioned.

That makes me wonder: Did the Dutch factory that made this have poor QC or highly inconsistent product by this vintage (1965)? Or was I just lucky?

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04-5-2024 19:39:31  #23

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

Hi Rob,

Glad you got it all sorted.  Troublesome little machines just serve to make us better going forward.

I will plan to button-up my Parade tomorrow, then.


05-5-2024 09:37:14  #24

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

Was not aware that this colour (red/coral) was offered in the 1960's.

Went to the TWDB Galleries, and sure enough there are a few more there presented by their owners.

Even our Forum leader, Uwe, has one in the galleries.


06-5-2024 19:32:47  #25

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

Done-ish. It still piles from time to time, but is ok if I type at the methodical pace I use on my '40s QDLs. Other than that, though, everything seems to be working.

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14-5-2024 19:02:57  #26

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

I've been using the machine for about a week now, and the only real issues, apart from the occasional piling, is that the carriage seems really loose. I can see it vibrating away, especially as I type on the right hand of the page. 

For those that have the same machine: do you also find that the carriage tends to run on the loose side?

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14-5-2024 19:07:24  #27

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

The upper rail screw holes (at least the front upper rail) are circular and not slotted, so it does not appear that there's any way to adjust or compensate for this.

Looking at the bearings at either extreme of carriage travel, they seem to be in the right place (about 3/4" from the end at extremes).

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15-5-2024 07:40:01  #28

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift


My two Parades seems pretty rock solid inn terms of carriage movement especially front-to-back movement.  My green/tan machine does have the slightest up-down movement if I hold both platen knobs and give it a wiggle.  But maybe less than 1/32" or so.

Hopefully other Members will speak up, too.

I am wondering if your machine may have been dropped at some point in time ?


15-5-2024 10:01:12  #29

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

robmck wrote:

... apart from the occasional piling...  

FWIW: I had that too on a Royalite 120, but eventually it stopped happening.

robmck wrote:

For those that have the same machine: do you also find that the carriage tends to run on the loose side?

I have checked machines:

Halberg 1: carriage is a little bit loose*
Halberg 2: carriage is a litle bit more loose, but just a tad
Halberg 3: carriage is a little bit loose*
Royalite: carriage is quit a bit loose, too much for my taste, but I don't see it "vibrating away"
Parade: carriage is a little bit loose*

* When I hold both platen knobs I can wiggle the carriage just a tiny bit, maybe half a mm or so. It's not perfect, but doesn't feel wrong or alarming.


15-5-2024 18:28:49  #30

Re: Royal Parade ribbon lift

Thanks Laurenz & Pete for trying your machines. It seems like this one is on the loose side. It runs, it's just a bit distracting while I write. Just a quirk to get used to. But, I'll keep my eye out for another example to try.

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